Forever Young

Talk about forgiveness.
Wednesday 7 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Assalamualaikum! Talk about forgiveness, i'm do not forgive people easily. Once i got hurt, it will never happens again. The scar will stay in my mind forever. That's one of reason why i hate scars so much. I'm sucks :( I really cannot forgive people so easily. It's just so hard. It's just painful, i tell ya.

It hurts so much so that you can't even breath! *thisisalie* heee :) But mostly people will said, 'eh ingat bagus sangat ah taknak maafkan orang? bajet' common sentences used by the wrongdoers. Oh sayang, you're seeking for other's forgiveness :) So, it should be soft and sincere. The words come from heart, and please connect your tongue to your effing brain before talking. People are so sensitive nowadays. They watch every single of your words ok! So please...

You know, they might have forgive you, but they never forget all the pains and hurts. Seriously.

To forgive and forget is not an easy task after all.

Sometimes, sorry is the ticket to make mistakes again. So we, don't easily forgive. Before you being meanie to other people, ask yourself. ''Will i forgive them, if they treat me like the way i treated them? Will they forgive me?'' We lived in a reality which is which, either want or not we must sacrifices our happiness in order to happy or to make them happy.

Selfish or full out yourself doesn't help at all. It makes things worst.
Trust me.

Assalamualaikum! Toodles stalkers! :P

Thanks for reading :)

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