Forever Young

I'm tired
Wednesday 14 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Assalamualaikum! Hi! :) I don't know what actually happened to me. I'm lazy. I wish i could have my holidays a little more longer. I'm so tired.. I'm tired do the same thing, meet the same person, you know all the things that we must do everyday. Like a daily routines and through the same things everyday 
Sometimes, I'm thinking that can I just have the life according to myself? Let me live the life I wanted. But Allah has decided that I need to live a life like this. However, I'm so grateful. Because Allah has given me such a life. There a lot of people who suffered from many kinds of life. Sometimes, I really need to learn how to be grateful sincerely. 

High School is my worst enemy. I'm so tired of learning. Shitloads of freaking schoolworks! and my holidays is no meaning. Dear teacher, if you intend to give us holidays then what's with the schoolworks? So stressed out. But, it's not like I'm putting the blame on teacher or school or whatever. I also admit that, i'm super mega obviously and absolutely a lazy person.

I'm lazy. No doubt.

I want to change myself to a better one. The worst thing is, today is Thursday and I haven't started doing my freaking schoolworks. Because I'm lazy. I need to take a break. Teacher please.

Give me tips on not to be a lazy ass person!


Thanks for reading :)

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