Forever Young

I hate myself.
Sunday 4 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Seriously, i'm so hopeless, worthless, useless and many more :( I hate myself. Today, i went back at 1.54 pm and first thing i did is switch on the laptop! Riesya, please change yourself... The most unbearable sins that i did today is, i delayed my zohor prayer! Dumb me :'( I'm such a loser kan!! Sobs sobs. 

But school today is sort of awesome? We get tight back together! :) Mya, Tashu, Azwe, Ku Nur. Somehow, third period really pissed me off. Nothing get on mah mind. Seriously. I didn't even know what teacher taught. It's Maths. I jut realized that, i don't really like maths. I'm not a thinker. Should have known that before. But this lately, Science has been good to me so far!! :D

Science is never an easy subject since i was born. It never be good or great to me. To me, Science is a disaster. But I was absolutely wrong. Science is an interesting subject. I don't feel like one because the way that teacher's teaching is horrible, perhaps and I've always failed my Science. But today, i need to take my words back! Science is awesome. But Puan Fatimah is awestruck!  Ehehehe. We love you dearly! :) <3

Mathematics, hmmm.... It's difficult this lately. Mathematics doesn't suits me kot.. I'm falling behind! :(

But who cares, i'm still living my so ever rock life! Eh eh, tomorrow is exam. Sorrows coming... again...
Bahasa Melayu, Geography and Kemahiran Hidup!
Dear Allah the most merciful and the greatest, please make everthing easy. To you I asked and to you we request and only you. Amin :)

Weh weh, ai takut ah :( If the results is unsatisfied i'm so dead! Eeee :( I hate this freaking feeling. But still, i want to online and wasting my precious time. Degil betul. Satan dah dah lah hasut :( Kita sedih k.

Thanks for reading :)

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