Forever Young

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! ♥
Friday 16 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Hai to all creatures! 15 March. The birth date of my Prettylicious friend.
Ain Shelyza Mohd Azuwan.

Too beautiful to be yours, Capital H.

So baby girl, you're fourteenager. Dah tua dah! cheekieschekies ♥ 

Her name is Ain Shelyza Mohd Azuwan. Daughter of this lovely spouse, Mohd Azuwan and Farahdhiba Masbah Nice name she got. She was born on 15 March one-nine-nine-eight. She's one month older than me. Tapi badan, skinny. We have the same date of birth okay! But i was born in April :) This year, we're in the same class. That's make us closer. She's the toughest girl among us. Why? Cause' she's facing a really unpredictable love story which make us cried without even feel what she felt. But she managed to smile. Smile like nothing ever happened. Don't forget, she's also a human being and a girl. Us perempuan, tak pernah terlepas dari menangis. Kerana kita lemah. However, i'm proud of her. She's a smartass, a sprinter, a netball player, what else? To make it short, she conquer every sports. She already determined by Allah to active in sports and was given such a talent. She's a dentist and a photographer to be. I sat near her. So, whatever ridiculous thing i did, she knew. She's also a fashionator, never not an updated guurl. She's mixed. Can't list em' all. Banyak gila ok! Shelyz is a great friend. Never make us laugh not. Although she's sad and having so much problems, she still hugged us and gave some advises when we are in troubles. She always brought lunch box everyday. That makes me jealous the most.  Have a blisssful life story sayangs! i love you! xx

 We're awesome fourteen freak. Sayaaaang, awak dah tua.... You shines my world so well. Thank you so much for being there bila kita nangis, sedih, mengedik, jerit-sejeritnya, share pizza roti, share those makanans yang sedap gila, share opinions, and especially thanks sebab selalu bersama apabila kita pervert. So not gonna forget you. The one who woke me up from the sadness of love. The one who always give me advices. The one who always finish my sentences. The one who smiled at me when others don't. The one who always be there dunia akhirat. I love you, daughter of Mohd Azuwan. i love you a lot, like a lot a lot. Ain Shelyza Mohd Azuwan, stay with me dunia akhirat. ♥

You're a lot lot lot special to me. Whatever happens, you're my friend. Sayang, I wish you can through this year. I will always pray that you will be in a good health. Sayang, he's a dumby-ass who ignored you. to me you're such lovely pinky creature. Ai sayang you. Eheheks~  My lesbian partner forevaaaah :)

Happy Birthday Sayang!

Thanks for reading :)

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