Forever Young

Emotional Day
Tuesday 6 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Today i feel so emotional today. So emotional. Kemahiran Hidup is so killing!! I'm so busy studying Geografi and abandoned Kemahiran Hidup *sigh* After the exam, seriously. I feel like crying. But then i left all those matters to Allah. Allah is watching me. Takpe takpe, tawakal je lah n_n 

To some people, sorry is the ticket to make a mistake again. One does not simply forgive people. It's me. I hate forgiving people so easily. Cause' everything you did to me seems stick into my mind and heart :( and never stop appearing. Don't blame me n_n! Getting hurt and forgive is not easy I tell you. 

Setiap kelukaan di hati amatlah pedih dari kelukaan sebenar-benarnya. Seriously. After all the bad things you has given me, to forgive you is such a hard time. Whenever i saw you, i saw the bad things that you did to me. *sigh* I'm sorry because i have this kind of feelings. But i did the best cure to my face, smile :)

But i really really hope to avoid seeing you. It's still hurts inside. I depends on one phrase, what goes around comes around. In simple word, karma.

Sakitnya hati hanya Allah yang tahu. 

Tolong doakan saya supaya dapat jawab mathematics, English, Agama! and other papers as well! 

Semoga diberkati Allah! Amin :)

Assalamualaikum and bye! n_n
Toodles, stalkers :P

Thanks for reading :)

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