Forever Young

Bad ass week we got here!
Thursday 1 March 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Hi peeps oh yea! This week had been very super the busy. Busy with whaaaaat? school works owwyeah! *i'mactuallyinarockmood* hikhik. Okay shut that off riesya. So, today is the date we need to hand in our komsas book. Do you know what is komsas? Ala, yang bila cikgu ajar je ngantuk tu. Pasal syair, pantun, sajak, prosa tradisional, cerpen and dramas! pheww, i felt like a drama queen. Hikhik. We need to make a super long komsas note. 19 tajuks of komsas. It is mega long. No one can describe how long it is. We need two books just  for the notes and it's March.

                       Well, that's just Bahasa Melayu's school works. In Convent, every subject must have schoolwork EVERYDAY. As an excellent student *coughcough* we need to obey. MUST OBEY. or else see you in principal's office. For your information, we, 2 lily's occupant, i mean me, really really particularly concerned about our reputation. Same goes to academic and sports. But i'm so not into sports. Excuse me? Pemalas don't do sports. I hate when i get low marks for any subject where as i gotta see my friends got flying colours! No and no. I don't wanna be the stupidest in the class. Therefore, study hard! and.. we don't really pays attention in class.. It's just when the exam week, we really need to work our ass out. Hehe. Study hard so we don't fail. But i do.. Pemalas like me just pemalas. Forever pemalas..

                          Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, Agama, Arts, what else? You name it. Every each of those has it own freaking work. Notes and Exercises. We will never escape from the shitloadloads of works. Folios, kerja kursus, scrap books, orals and presentations are not included. But you know, we're so efficient so that we only did when tomorrow is the deadlines. Ala, you know last minute work? Well yeah, that's part of our life. That's why we can still chill and online all-the-time. Cause' we only do our schoolworks at night and tomorrow is the deadlines.

                         Don't judge! Cause that what we are.. Luckily, exam week is just near the corner. What's best in exam's week? NO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. Pemalas is so pemalas. But what's worst is, we need to work our ass out to fulfil the target or else be the most shameful person in school. Ahah, back to schoolworks again and again. By the way, tomorrow is a school day. It's saturday and we need to go to school. What the hell.. So exhausted.. it's supposed to be the day which we need to rest our ass whereas we've been using our ass, brain, hand and many organs to do our daily routine. Obviously, we need rest. yes please.

It have been a long time no tumblring... Twitting...
Toodles stalker! :P

Thanks for reading :)

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