Forever Young

It's about me. Past years and now.
Saturday 25 February 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
So, i'm sure most of my friends realized that I've changed into a someone way better. Past years ago, i was a girl who seeking herself. I was a bimbo. Everyone bullied me as i rarely care about myself. I'm not that clever, but now i'm average. You know, sometimes changes bring advantages to you and it also can be disadvantage when we can't control the changes. Oh yes, i'm talking about myself. Back then, i was a girl without any confidence in me. Without any dreams. But i only have a boy. A boy whom grew up with me. A boy who protect me as his sister, princess and his precious! So, wouldn't really care about myself as he is always beside me. We've made pinky promises. To care, to protect, to stay, to always happy, to catch our dreams, to marry, to love, to lean on to each other. Until one day, he left. At that moment, there's no one as those with me. The promises were buried with him. 

                        Until one time, i realized. It's feels like i just woke up from such a nightmares. But i was wrong. Those things is not a nightmares but reality. But why i felt different? Because there's family, friends and most importantly Allah, the greatest. They let me lean on them. How can i thank them? Well, i don't know how. But Alhamdullilah, i'll pray the best for them. However, i'm grateful that i'm his last love :) I have such a family and i didn't even noticed it. I'm such a fool kan! and.... I forgot. Allah always there for his people. 

                         Didn't i tell you that life without him is harder? No? Oh well, i tell you now. I got bullied, got haters, got no friends, i thought that everyone is leaving me, i thought that no one is there for me and so many rubbish thoughts of mine. It's me actually, being blind although i know they cares for me. Because i want him to be here all-the-time with me. Aha! Yes. Foolishly childish. But hey! I was a kid. An innocent one. My first love. He's almost everything when i was a kid.

                          But  now, i'm fourteen. Many years had passed. I've got a boy friend. Gotcha! I know what you think. Nooooo! For heaven's sake, no. By boy friend i mean it's like a guy friend. Everyone does have a guy friend --'. I'm too young to have a fiancee. You know, when we have a boyfriend, of course he'll definitely wants you to be his wife. So i take that as engaged! Unofficially engaged. Everyone shouldn't say a boyfriend. It supposed to be unofficially engaged partner hell yeah. Not a couple partner... In my opinion! Haha. Don't judge me....  

                          I have a great lifeeeeeeeee now :) Alhamdullilah. But High School sort of worst nightmares now.

Sweet fourteen FTW! xx 

Thanks for reading :)

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