Forever Young

Typical Tuesday :)
Monday 7 May 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Hi and Assalamualaikum! I didn't attend school today and I certainly wants to go to school! Many problems has popped out of nowhere. Here lah, there lah. Everywhere! Literally, the mid year exam is around the corner! Disaster. I don't even study a shit, like seriously. Not even paying attention in the class, even worse. I also have some problems in Mathematics, and my love towards it has decreasing drastically. Mathematics is an asshole when it is combined with  those freaking alphabets! Forever hate Algebraic Expression I and II! But without it, I failed my whole life. Pfftt. Mathematics is the mother of Science. Heh, hell yeah.

Talking about maths, there's a chapter about constructing. Specially invented for those architects to be! But me, constantly hate constructing lines, bisecting or whatsoever related to it.. I'm tired and sick constructing shits! Geddit teacher? Geddit? Therefore, uh-huh my teacher is so gonna put a loads of questions about that. Can someone kill me? I NEED HELP. SOS.

Heh, enough with the complaints.

lol, I'm kidding, I will never ever stop complaining.

So this recently, no it was yesterday. Someone confessed to me. Straightly and frankly. *goosebumps* I never thought someone would loved me, or even like me. Heh, hell yeah. He called me, uncountable times. Asking to be my boyfriend, no, more than that. I never thought he would actually like me. Who doesn't? he's the guy who ALWAYS pissed me off. The guy who has ALWAYS mocking me every time and the list goes on. 

So, I replied. "Give me some time, to think rationally. But not this night. Tomorrow, I promise. 3 in the afternoon." The guilts filled. Why I am giving he hopes? I should say no, instantly. Why? because i don't wanna hurt him! Easy. But make him waiting like this, would even hurt him more. Should have think about it, yesterday. 

So, if you're reading this, boy, I'm sorry. I don't love you and of course it's not because of your lacks or whatever. It's because I love someone else for 3 years and still counting. (or is it 4 years already? including this year? heh, i don't care, my mind totally stuck at the moment.) You're worth of someone better, much better than me and our religion against it. I'm sorry, if my words are too harsh. We can be friends alrighto? You're special, and girls likes, loves, adores you mostly. I felt lucky being one of your friends and even luckier when you confessed your love towards me. Unfortunately, my heart has closed for the second time, to show that, only him, a really special guy who has locked it tight. Sorry again.

Dear crush, if you're reading this, you should feel fully blessed and lucky even more. I love you and hopefully you're the one who closed my heart forever. I hope you're the one that I can share my lifetime with. Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin!

Hi, my love towards you grew everyday and even deeper. 

Thanks for reading :)

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